• adult alone anxious black and white

    2020 Stress by Joanne Flanders

    2020 has been stressful!!! We constantly hear people talk about getting back to “normal”.  What does that really mean?  Does that mean you have “homeostasis”?  Homeostasis is an ideal set point reached through a local regulatory mechanism.  Or is it “allostasis”?  Allostasis is constancy through change.  The most well-known authority on homeostasis is Hans Selye, who in his research findings described General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) which most of us learned as “fight or flight”.  That’s what leads me to return to Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers by Robert M. Sapolsky, a neuroendocrinologist at Stanford University.  The title was intriguing and I jumped in to find it a very interesting book. …


    Senior Center Grants Announced for SFY19

    Applications for the Community Expansion Nutrition Assistance (CENA) Grants for funding independent (non-Title III) senior centers are available online at http://www.ascog.org/supportive-services/cena2019/. Applications are due June 8. The Association of South Central Oklahoma Governments is announcing the availability of applications for all independent senior centers in Caddo, Comanche, Cotton, Grady, Jefferson, McClain, Stephens and Tillman counties.  Priority will be given to those centers serving meals at least three days per week.  We encourage all area senior centers to apply even if they do not serve meals. Grant awards are subject to availability of funding from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce. For more information contact Ken Jones at jone_ke@ascog.org or 580.736.7972.


    Older Americans Month 2018: Engage at Every Age

    Across the country, older Americans – a rapidly growing population – are taking part in activities that promote wellness and social connection. They are sharing their wisdom and experience with future generations, and they are giving back to make enrich their communities. They’re working and volunteering, mentoring and learning, leading and engaging.   For 55 years, Older Americans Month (OAM) has been observed to recognize older Americans and their contributions to our communities. Led by the Administration for Community Living’s Administration on Aging, every May offers opportunity to hear from, support, and celebrate our nation’s elders. This year’s OAM theme, “Engage at Every Age,” emphasizes the importance of being active…



    The Association of South Central Oklahoma Governments (ASCOG) Area Agency on Aging is hosting a public hearing to receive public input regarding the potential site closure of the senior nutrition site currently located in the Town of Wayne effective March 31.  The hearing will be held February 21 at 11:00 a.m., at 107 N Shannon in Wayne.  The Wayne Nutrition Site is ADA accessible.  The purpose of the public hearing is to inform the community about the potential site closure and to seek community support in increasing the numbers of seniors who participate at the site. In October, November and December 2017, Wayne averaged serving 20-21 meals per day.  DHS…


    Ryan Public Hearing to Announce Potential Site Closure

    The Association of South Central Oklahoma Governments (ASCOG) Area Agency on Aging is hosting a public hearing to receive public input regarding the potential site closure of the senior nutrition site currently located in the Town of Ryan effective March 31.  The hearing will be held February 20 at 11:00 a.m., at 400 Taylor in Ryan.  The Ryan Nutrition Site is ADA accessible.  The purpose of the public hearing is to inform the community about the potential site closure and to seek community support in increasing the numbers of seniors who participate at the site. In October and December 2017, Ryan averaged serving 24 meals per day.  DHS policy requires…


    ABUSE AND NEGLECT IN NURSING HOMES – From Office of State Ombudsman

    According to the Nursing Home Reform Act of 1987, all residents in nursing homes are entitled to receive quality care and live in an environment that improves or maintains the quality of their physical and mental health.  This includes freedom from neglect, abuse and misappropriation of funds.  Neglect and abuse are criminal acts whether they occur inside or outside a nursing home.  Nursing home residents do not surrender their rights to protection from criminal acts when they enter a facility. Neglect is the failure to care for a person in a manner, which would avoid harm and pain, or the failure to react to a situation which may be harmful. …


    How to choose a long-term care facility

    Choosing a long-term care facility can be one of the most difficult tasks that a family may ever face.  Ombudsmen for the ASCOG, Association of South Central Oklahoma Government, Area Agency on Aging can help provide you with information and resources to help you make an informed decision.  First, we recommend that you visit www.medicare.gov and access the nursing home compare portion of the website for information on recent inspection surveys and various other information including: staffing levels, complaint investigations and general facility information.  Next, visit the facilities that you are considering, talk to the facility administrator and take a tour of the facility.  While you are visiting, observe the…


    ASCOG Medicare Counselor to Present information on Medicare Fraud and Help for Low-Income Beneficiaries

    Ken Jones, one of ASCOG’s two certified Medicare Counselors, will present information about Medicare fraud prevention as well as assistance to Medicare beneficiaries who need help paying for Medicare premiums.  See schedule below.  For more information, contact Ken Jones at 580.736.7972. August 1, Lawton North Nutrition Site, 11:00 a.m. August 7, Patterson Nutrition Site, Lawton, 11:00 a.m. August 8, Geronimo Nutrition Site, 11:00 a.m. August 10, Elgin Nutrition Site, 11:00 a.m. August 15, Marlow Nutrition Site, 11:00 a.m. August 17, Duncan North Nutrition Site, 11:00 a.m. August 21, Duncan South (Douglass) Nutrition Site, 11:00 a.m. August 24, Walters Nutrition Site, 11:00 a.m. August 28, Temple Nutrition Site, 11:00 a.m. August…


    Senior Center Grants Announced for SFY18

    Applications for the Community Expansion Nutrition Assistance (CENA) Grants for funding independent (non-Title III) senior centers are available online at ASCOG.org/supportive-services/cena2018/.  Applications are due August 31. The Association of South Central Oklahoma Governments is announcing the availability of applications for all independent senior centers in Caddo, Comanche, Cotton, Grady, Jefferson, McClain, Stephens and Tillman counties.  Priority will be given to those centers serving meals at least three days per week. Grant awards are subject to availability of funding from the Oklahoma Department of Commerce. For more information contact Ken Jones at jone_ke@ascog.org or 580.736.7972.  


    Public Hearing Announced To Discuss Closure of Lawton South Nutrition Site

    (FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE) April 28, 2017 The Association of South Central Oklahoma Governments (ASCOG) Area Agency on Aging is hosting a public hearing to consider the potential site closure of the nutrition site currently located at Centenary United Methodist Church effective June 30.  The hearing will be held May 25 at 11:00 a.m. at the Centenary Methodist Church at 704 SW D Ave in Lawton.  Centenary United Methodist Church is ADA accessible. On April 17, ASCOG’s current senior nutrition contractor, Delta Nutrition, received notice from Centenary United Methodist Church that their agreement to provide space for the nutrition site would be terminated effective June 30.  Centenary United Methodist Church has…