Instructions for ASCOG REAP 2024
This year’s workshop is to be different than last year due to the coronavirus pandemic. To apply for a 2021 REAP Grant an applicant MUST attend this year’s workshop by video conferencing. The attendee must be an elected official, or an individual appointed by the board or council to represent the entity making application. This appointment must be reflected in the entity’s minutes. Between now and the scheduled workshop date it is strongly recommended applicants should: (1) select an eligible project that can be fully funded including leveraged dollars, (2) get cost estimates from an eligible source and (3) take formal board action including approving making the application for the project, approving a 5-year Capital Improvement Plan, and approving any cash or in-kind leverage from the applicant agency. Keep in mind that these matches are not required but do figure into the scoring system. 2021 REAP grants will have the same time requirements. Projects must be started within 6 months and be completed by June 30, 2022.
Below you will find downloads for the 2021 REAP Application and Instructions.
2022 REAP Instructions revised 06142021
June 24, 2020 REAP Zoom Meeting.
You will been to copy and paste in link to view
The training will be conducted by ASCOG staff and consist of reviewing the 2021 application, contract, five-year Strategic Plan, Community Development Block Grants and the fiscal year audit.
PLEASE call CED staff if you have any questions. Ron Peel (580)736-7024, or Riley Cronin (580)736-7984.
The efforts of the Community & Economic Development (CED) Division are focused in the following areas:
- Community Planning and Technical Assistance
Economic Development
Rural Economic Action Plan (REAP)
Funding for the Division originates from the following sources:
- The Federal Government
- The Oklahoma Legislature
- Local governments (on a voluntary basis)
- Contract opportunities for services
Division personnel are trained and certified to work with the Oklahoma Department of Commerce, USDA Rural Development, Oklahoma Water Resources Board, and many other federal and state agencies to identify and procure funding for a variety of programs. Among our highest priority project areas in Community Development are planning, funding and constructing vital water and sewer infrastructure improvements. Over the years, our successes have included everything from small neighborhood projects to county-wide and multi-county projects. The Capital Improvements Planning (CIP) process, created and funded by the State through the Oklahoma Department of Commerce, provides far-reaching benefits to participating local governments, and promotes more effective and efficient local planning and budgeting for most local infrastructure needs. Other work areas include codebooks, grant/loan applications and administration, and a wide variety of related topics.
Our priorities in Economic Development focus on creating jobs and improving local economies throughout the area. Originally created as an Economic Development District, ASCOG has worked to promote industrial park development funding, small and large business financing packages, business planning, and creation of revolving loan funds to expand the availability of capital. Our staff has also worked in such other areas as Downtown Revitalization and is familiar with almost every state/federal program that is available for use in those fields.
The Rural Economic Action Plan (REAP) program is administered through the Community and Economic Development Division. Applications are taken each August to fund local projects selected through a competitive process. Eligible applicants include cities, towns, and unincorporated areas with a population under 7,000. Economic development, infrastructure