How to choose a long-term care facility

Choosing a long-term care facility can be one of the most difficult tasks that a family may ever face.  Ombudsmen for the ASCOG, Association of South Central Oklahoma Government, Area Agency on Aging can help provide you with information and resources to help you make an informed decision.  First, we recommend that you visit and access the nursing home compare portion of the website for information on recent inspection surveys and various other information including: staffing levels, complaint investigations and general facility information.  Next, visit the facilities that you are considering, talk to the facility administrator and take a tour of the facility.  While you are visiting, observe the staff and see how they interact with the residents.  Observe meal service. Does the food look and smell appealing?  Talk with residents and family members and see what they like and don’t like about the facility.  You may also want to inquire about the different activities and specific services provided by the facility. It is also important to visit the facility during the evening or on the weekend when staffing levels may be reduced.  If you have any questions regarding long term care issues or if you would like more information regarding our Ombudsman Volunteer Program you can contact Dacia Nix, the local Ombudsmen Supervisor at 580-736-7975.  Our next new volunteer training will be in August. Please contact my office for more details.