Real people solving real problems. Everyday.
802 W. Main Street, PO Box 1647, Duncan, OK 73534
Business Office Hours are Monday through Thursday, 8-5pm (Closed at noon)
For Information & Assistance, please call Taylor Norton at 580-736-7036.
To promote independence, quality of life, and community improvement for older adults through education, support, and advocacy.
The Area Agency on Aging is the pass-through agency through which federal, state, and local funds provide information, resources, and referrals for older persons, age 60 and above, and the caregivers of such persons in the ASCOG AAA planning and service area (PSA) serving Caddo, Comanche, Cotton, Grady, Jefferson, McClain, Stephens, and Tillman counties. Some exceptions apply, i.e. eligibility for grandparents/seniors raising relative children and the Masonic Grant program (age 55).
ASCOG Area Agency on Aging is a gateway to a host of supportive services designed to assist seniors, their caregivers, and their families. The AAA provides information, programs, assistance, and resources that help serve aging Oklahomans and enable them to live in their own homes and communities as long as possible. The programs include funding from the Older Americans Act of 1965 (OAA), OKDHS Aging Services Division, and ASCOG to provide Title III services (as described below), funding for Community Expansion of Nutrition Assistance (CENA) nutrition programs through ODOC, Medicare counseling services provided through the Oklahoma Insurance Department (OID), Masonic Grant funding for basics needs for seniors, as well as other supportive services.
OAA Program funds are provided through state and federal funding from the Older Americans Act (OAA), OKDHS Aging Services Division, and ASCOG Area Agency on Aging (AAA). This project makes no distinction on the grounds of race, color, sex, age, ancestry, national origin, religion, or disability.
Title III Programs
The Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended, provides grant funding for the development of comprehensive and coordinated systems of service for older individuals. The ASCOG Area Agency on Aging administers OAA Title III programs with funds provided through the federal OAA Title III program, OKDHS Aging Services (CAP), and ASCOG, in the ASCOG PSA. Older Americans Act (OAA) funding provides the following services:
- Caregiver Services: Programs including Caregiver Respite (provides a temporary break for the caregiver by hiring a substitute caregiver); Assistance with Access (provides access to services and resources that are available within their community); Caregiver Support Groups (provides support group opportunities to caregivers and seniors raising relative children to assist them in their caregiver roles); and, Information Services (provides education and information presentations to the public and individuals within the ASCOG PSA communities).
- Legal Aid Services: Legal Aid of Oklahoma provides legal advice, counseling, and representation by an attorney or other person acting under the supervision of an attorney. Assistance is provided to seniors for advanced directives, powers of attorneys, wills, limited guardianship, debt, Social Security Disability, consumer financial issues, estate planning, Grandparent issues to name a few. Contact (888) 534-5243 or the Lawton Legal Aid at (580) 248-4675, for further assistance.
- Nutrition Services: Funding provides for at least one senior center in each of the 8 counties in the ASCOG AAA PSA (ASCOG AAA currently oversees 15 Senior Nutrition Sites); the sites provide congregate, and home delivered meals to eligible home bound persons. Service providers are CADC Nutrition (Comanche, Cotton, Jefferson, and Tillman counties) 580-342-6967; and Delta Nutrition (Caddo, Grady, McClain, and Stephens counties) 580-219-5089. Nutritious hot meals are served five days per week at all Title III Senior Nutrition Centers. The meals provide one-third of the Recommended Daily Allowance of nutrients for older persons. Activities and health screenings are available at each center.
- Nutrition Education & Nutritional Counseling Services: Group educational presentations are given monthly in each senior nutrition center; individual nutritional counseling is offered with a referral from a Title III service provider; services are provided by Registered Dieticians.
- Coordination of Services: Rural areas are targeted with programs that provide social activities and involvement for seniors at 3 regional rural senior nutrition centers in the PSA. These areas in sfy25 are designated for Geronimo, Grandfield, and Tipton.
- Transportation Services: Transportation services are provided by Red River Transportation for senior citizens to travel to and from senior nutrition sites and for medical appointments. A referral for a brief informational assessment must be made through a Title III service provider or directly through Red River to confirm eligibility.
- Information & Assistance: A trained Information & Assistance Specialist is available to provide information, resources, and referrals for needed services. Please call the ASCOG I&A Information line at 580-736-7036.
- Long Term Care (LTC) Ombudsman: The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program enables ombudsman supervisors to monitor and advocate for quality of care and quality of life for seniors living in long-term care nursing homes, residential care, and assisted living facilities. Ombudsman supervisors and ombudsman volunteers attempt to resolve complaints from residents, family, and friends by exploring problems and recommending corrective action. The goal is to empower the resident to stand up for their rights and their dignity. Volunteers are trained and certified to spend two hours per week in their assigned facility. The Ombudsman program is always looking for volunteers to assist in local LTC facilities. If you are interested in serving as an Ombudsman Volunteer, please contact one of our Ombudsman Supervisors: David Sexton 580-736-7974 or Ryan Payne 580-736-7975.
Non-Title III Programs
- Masonic Grant: This program can assist individuals who are age 55 and above and in need of basic assistance which can include assistance with dentures or dental work, eyeglasses, hearing aids, handicap modifications, wheelchair ramps, appliances, durable medical equipment, utility assistance, home repairs. An application is available on this website under Masonic Grant Application. An estimate from an APPROVED VENDOR must be submitted with the application for the request to be considered.
- Medicare Counseling: Medicare Counseling is available at ASCOG by appointment. To speak to a counselor to compare plans that best suit your needs, please call: Joyce Lindberg at (580) 736-7969. Open enrollment starts October 15th and ends Dec. 7th.
- Other: Additional resources are available through our Information and Assistance line and our Resource Directory. The Resource Directory is periodically updated, and information and resources are added as they are identified.
RFP SFY26 Request for Proposals
The Area Agency on Aging assesses the needs of older individuals in the planning and service area and advocates for services to meet identified needs. Under the Older Americans Act, older individuals are defined as all persons 60 years of age and over. Services are especially targeted to older individuals who are in greatest social and economic need, with particular attention to those who are low-income, minority individuals, older individuals residing in rural areas, eligible persons with severe disabilities, persons with limited English proficiency, persons with Alzheimer’s disease and/or related disorders with neurological and/or organic brain dysfunction, and caretakers of such persons.
The AAA is charged with the responsibility of contracting with qualified provider agencies to provide the designated Title III services. This is done through the release of a Request for Proposal (RFP) application. The RFP applications for sfy26 are below, along with the RFP Guide. The application references but does not outline in detail each responsibility associated with the acceptance of Older Americans Act funding. For more information, please see 51. General Title III service standards ( et. seq. Responsibilities, services, and policies will be discussed in the Proposers’ conference. See Technical Assistance section for further information.
SFY26 RFP NOTICE: ASCOG AAA RFP Proposers Conference will be March 13th, 2025 in the conference room at ASCOG 802 W Main in Duncan OK. RFP Application period is from March 4, through April 1, 2025. RFP bids are open for Legal Aid, Rural Health Promotion, Outreach, and Caregiver Services, as bundled. For more information, please contact Lisa Norton at or (580) 736-7976.
Grant Application (RFP) Guide
RFP Proposers Conference March 13th, 2025 2:00PM
Masonic Grant Program
The Masonic Grant program for Seniors is funded through the Masonic Charities Foundation for the benefit of seniors aged 55 years and older, who are low income and have unmet needs such as minor home repair, eyeglasses, dental work, wheelchair ramps, etc. Please read all of the information provided to ensure your application is processed correctly.
Masonic Grant Application: Please see the Masonic Grant Application below for a listing of services and requirements. Please read the application in its entirety before submitting your application. Program information is updated annually.
Approved Vendor List: Please see the Approved Vendor List below. These vendors have been pre-approved through submitting the required documentation to ASCOG, which includes a W-9 and proof of insurance. ASCOG does not specifically endorse any vendor; any vendor may follow the instructions on the application to seek approval to be put on the Approved Vendor List. ASCOG assumes no liability for any action of any vendor chosen by any participant. This list is intended as a courtesy to provide information to participants on prospective vendors who may be able to provide the services and/or items needed.
*The 2025 Masonic Grant Application and Instructions are ONE file and the 2025 Masonic Grant Vendor’s is ONE file*
COVID-19 guidance from the Oklahoma State Department of Health and the CDC are linked here.
AAA Advisory Council SFY24
Upcoming Advisory Council Meetings
- The SFY24 4th Quarter ASCOG Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council will meet Tuesday, May 14, 2024, at 10:30 AM at ASCOG in the Main Conference room at 804 W. Main, Duncan.
The Oklahoma Silver Haired Legislature (OSHL) was created in 1981 to educate older Oklahomans about the Oklahoma Legislative process and to represent and advocate for the needs of older Oklahomans at the State Capital. The OSHL sponsors up to five bills each legislative session at the State Capital. If you are interested in serving as an OSHL member, please contact Cindy Hale, ASCOG AAA director at 580-736-7976 or go to the OKDHS website for an application and more information.